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A Good Score?: Examining 20 Years of Drug Courts in the United States and Abroad
Kimberly Holst
45 Val. U. L. Rev. 73 (2010)
Open Access  |  Library Access


In 2009, we saw the passing of the twentieth anniversary of drug courts in the United States, this timing presents an opportune moment to review the state of drug courts in the United States and the development of drug courts internationally. While the United States has served as a model and a leader in the creation and development of drug courts, countries all over the world have tweaked the United States’ model and have altered the landscape in the structure and development of drug courts. Section II of this article briefly discusses the development and current status of drug courts in the United States. Section III examines a sampling of drug courts from around the world. Next, the article takes a look at some of the core principles in drug treatment. The final section discusses possible changes to the United States’ system of drug courts based on lessons learned from its international counterparts and from the principles of drug treatment.
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