Faculty Scholarship Repository

A Service of the Ross-Blakley Law Library

Law as a Tool for Improving the Health of Children and Adolescents in Schools
James G. Hodge Jr.
76 Journal of School Health 442 (2006)


Law, like other tools (e.g., public health sciences, medical practices, and behavioral interventions), can be used to improve the health of children and adolescents in schools. This article examines the ways that public and private actors can wield the law to accomplish public health objectives in school settings. This exploration begins with a definition and an analysis of the scope of public health law in school settings. Considerable analysis is then devoted to assessing the role of law as a tool for improving the health of school children and adolescents. Laws can (1) define the mission for protecting the health of children and adolescents in school environments, (2) provide meaningful incentives for healthy behaviors, (3) create affirmative protections from unhealthy influences, (4) authorize specific programs and services to encourage healthy outcomes, and (5) help build positive relationships among public and private sectors.
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