Faculty Scholarship Repository

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Forthcoming 2024
Governing New Technologies that Stop Biological Time: Preparing for Prolonged Biopreservation of Human Organs in Transplantation
Gary Marchant and Timothy L. Pruett et al.
American Journal of Transplantation
Open Access


Time limits on organ viability from retrieval to implantation shape the US system for human organ transplantation. Preclinical research has demonstrated that emerging biopreservation technologies can prolong organ viability, perhaps indefinitely. These technologies could transform transplantation into a scheduled procedure without geographic or time constraints, permitting organ assessment and potential preconditioning of the recipients. However, the safety and efficacy of advanced biopreservation with prolonged storage of vascularized organs followed by reanimation will require new regulatory oversight, as clinicians and transplant centers are not trained in the engineering techniques involved or equipped to assess the manipulated organs. Although the Food and Drug Administration is best situated to provide that process oversight, the agency has until now declined to oversee organ quality and has excluded vascularized organs from the oversight framework of HCT/Ps. Integration of advanced biopreservation technologies will require new facilities for organ preservation, storage, and reanimation plus ethical guidance on immediate organ use versus preservation, national allocation, and governance of centralized organ banks. Realization of the long-term benefit of advanced biopreservation requires anticipation of the necessary legal and ethical oversight tools and that process should begin now.
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