Abstract: Using examples from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, this chapter examines two aspects of Kairos and explains how Kairos is an essential tool for negotiation. First, we consider the skills that allow us to recognize and take advantage of Kairic moments. Throughout history, Kairos has been referred to as an opening, a shot, or an alignment of circumstances where an actor can successfully accomplish her goal. But merely taking an opening or a shot when it presents itself is not enough to be Kairic. The actor must also be prepared. She needs to have been practicing her aim with a blaster or mastering her control of the Force if she wants to make the best use of that moment. In this way, Kairos is properly understood as the combination of timing and preparation that allows the moment to be ripe for the actor’s taking. What’s more, skillful preparation may make it possible to manufacture Kairos in some situations. By putting actions in motion so that an opportunity is more likely to arise in the future when the actor has the information, skills, and other tools at the ready, the actor has positioned herself to capitalize on a Kairic moment.
Second, we consider the rhetorical or persuasive dimension of Kairos. Negotiators and others can use Kairos as a tool to make an appeal or create space for negotiated agreement. Not only can a negotiator be on the lookout for his own Kairic moments, but he can also be looking for Kairic moments that may appeal to the opposing party and, ideally, use those Kairic moments to convince the other party to choose the course of action that the negotiator desires.