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Law Practice Disruptors: Large Language Models and Artificial Intelligence
Gary Marchant and Whitney Stefko Dover
60 Arizona Attorney 26 (2023)
Open Access  |  Library Access


The headlines are ominous. “Will ChatGPT Replace Lawyers?” “Why ChatGPT-3 is Just the Beginning--And Lawyers Risk Getting Left Behind.” “Generative AI is Coming for the Lawyers.” And so on. The good news is that there is no need to panic. Artificial intelligence (AI) will not be replacing lawyers en masse. But there is truth to the oft-stated prediction that lawyers who use artificial intelligence will replace lawyers who don't. Just as the advent of computers decades ago affects every lawyer's practice today, so too will the rise of AI affect every attorney. This transition has started already, accelerated by the recent introduction of new types of AI such as ChatGPT. This is not time for complacency--every legal professional must start learning about AI, and how it may affect their job.
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