Faculty Scholarship Repository

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Book Chapter
Introduction (and Conclusions) to A Research Agenda for Water Law
Rhett Larson and Vanessa Casado Pérez
A Research Agenda for Water Law
Vanessa Casado Pérez & Rhett Larson eds., Edward Elgar 2023
Open Access


Water, and the relationship humans have with it, is dynamic. This dynamism requires adaptation in laws and governance. This book explores, with contributions from scholars from all around the world, the future of water law as a means to answering the difficult questions society faces in relation to, among others, water supply, water demand, water politics, the relationship between freshwater and ocean water, indigenous rights and conceptions of water, water markets, and water technology. These answers will determine whether water law will flow around, erode through, flood out, or be dammed up by the great challenges of the 21st Century and the Anthropocene. If the river will never be the same again, then our laws cannot be the same either.
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