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Arizona Legal Research
Tamara Herrera
1st ed., Carolina Academic Press 2008
Library Access


Arizona Legal Research was written for first-year law students, paralegals, or anyone who wants to know the basics of how to conduct legal research in Arizona. The book explains the process of legal research as a researcher would approach a problem "on the job." Specifically, Arizona Legal Research explains how to research Arizona secondary sources, constitutional law, statutes (including legislative history), administrative law, and cases. Arizona Legal Research also includes a chapter covering the basics of researching Indian law, which is an important subject to Arizona legal practitioners.

There are several unique aspects that make Arizona Legal Research easy to use. First, the initial chapter explains the overall research process, including how to choose between electronic and book research and how to formulate a search. Second, each chapter integrates electronic and book sources and includes concise, helpful outlines of research steps for each source, as well as short, illustrative excerpts of Arizona law. Each chapter also directs researchers to free websites for legal research. Finally, one appendix contains a glossary of important legal research terms, and a second appendix reviews basic citation rules.

In addition, Arizona Legal Research explains the resources needed for researching federal law. Thus, it can be used as the sole text in a research course or in conjunction with texts focusing on topical or federal research.
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