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Renewable Energy: Law, Policy and Practice
Troy Rule
2nd ed., West Academic 2021


This second edition book is the latest version of the nation’s first hardcover casebook devoted to renewable energy law and policy—a captivating and rapidly-expanding area of legal practice. It provides detailed and accessible introductions to a diverse array of legal issues associated with renewable energy development, ranging from wind rights to solar access protection to geothermal resource rights. The book also features detailed coverage of numerous policy questions that continue to impact the renewable energy sector, including those related to solar net metering, the visual impacts of wind farms, and the effects of renewable energy development on wildlife habitats and cultural resources. In addition to its dozens of excerpted cases, statutes, and journal articles, the book includes a simplified wind energy lease and realistic samples of other types of documentation that transactional lawyers are likely to encounter when representing renewable energy developers. With more than 200 answerable questions and several extensive Policy Problems and Practical Skills Exercises, the book is ideal for law school classroom use. Its unique and exhaustive coverage of a broad range of topics likewise makes it a valuable resource for anyone interested in the legal and policy matters that surround the nation’s burgeoning renewable energy industry.
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